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In this video, you'll see an autonomous line-follower robot in action.
1. Arduino UNO: The Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board that serves as the brain of your robot. You program it to read data from sensors, make decisions based on that data, and control the motors using the L293D motor driver shield.
2. L293D Motor Driver Shield: The L293D motor driver shield is used to control the motors of your robot. It provides a convenient way to interface the Arduino with the motors. L293D is a popular motor driver IC that allows you to control the direction and speed of the motors.
3. Jumper Wires: Jumper wires are used to create the necessary electrical connections between various components, including the Arduino, motor driver shield, sensors, and motors. They help ensure that signals and power are routed correctly.
4. IR Sensors: In a line follower robot, infrared (IR) sensors are typically used to detect the line on the ground. These sensors emit infrared light and measure the reflection to determine whether the robot is on the line or off the line.
1. Automation and Precision: Line follower robots can operate autonomously, following a predefined path or line without human intervention.
2. Efficiency in Material Handling: In industries such as logistics and warehousing, line follower robots can be used for material handling tasks. They can follow lines on the floor to transport goods from one location to another efficiently.
3. Reduced Need for Infrastructure: Line follower robots rely on pre-existing lines or paths, eliminating the need for additional infrastructure like GPS or complex navigation systems. This simplicity makes them suitable for indoor applications.